Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation #part3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

It was very important to consider audience feedback carefully especially before the release of a product. Without the audience feedback it would be hard to define what the good and bad points of your film publicity campaign are. Slight changes have been made due to the audience feedback.

This is a link to some of our audience feedback which shows the effectiveness of the feedback.

Having decided audience feedback was it important, the decision on how to promote it and gain audience feedback had to be made and the social networking site facebook was chosen. This is because it is relatively easy for the audience to give feedback.

Audience feedback helped us understand what we needed to do. For example they told us what we needed to develop on for instance, in this case the lighting. We did and therefore the trailer became more appealing to the audience. Furthermore we gained many people telling us it was good which led to us knowing the product would be successful.

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