Saturday 11 September 2010

Research into current film titles #Part1

For part of are research before the production starts we looked at different titles of current film's in the media. This would help us greatly as it will help us see what the codes and conventions are for producing effective film titles that will help hook the target audience into the film. This particualar film title is from the film ''Due Date''. It is not particularly colorful but that does not mean it is not effective into hooking the audience in to the film. It is clearly very big and takes up a lot of the actual film poster. Furthermore it stounds out and uses bright, white and bold lettering to attract the audience. The film title also gives the audience some idea of what genre the film is and what is going to happen in this film. This particular title draws the audience to believe there is something to do with baby's because of the term which is usually refered pregnant women who are about to give birth. The big bold lettering maybe suggests in your face comedy.

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