Wednesday 14 July 2010

Preliminary Task

The preliminary task was to produce a short film using different conventions in terms of shot types and angles etc. The purpose of this task was so that we could learn how to use the cameras we will be using for are production coursework. Furthermore we will be learning about editing techniques and skills that will make the film look professional. We were asked to get into groups of 2/3. My group consists of me, Ertan Nebija and Naresa azemi. We each have different skills which we will input into the project. One of us will have good I.T. skills in terms of working with imovie and photoshop. One we be good with the organisation and another will be good with working with the camera. These are but a few skills that my group has gathered together. This will allow us to create the most effective horror movie trailer possible. Working in a group is also very effective as it allows for multi tasking on the project and each person can do their share of the project.
For the first piece of are preliminary tasks we were asked to get into temporary groups. When we were assembled into are groups we had to make a short sequence with the title 'The meeting'. The point of this task was that so we could experiment with the camera into different skills and techniques such as ones to do with editing and others to do with camera shot's and angles.  
Below are some snapshot images I took from the piece of film we came up with; 
This image is a long shot of one of the characters about to shoot a ball. The long shot gives us (the audience) an idea of what is going to happen in the scene.
This is a medium shot of a goal post used during the filming. This shows a prop we used during the filming.

This is another medium shot of characters in the film that we used. This shot tells us about the characters and the scene.

When we evaluated the films we came up with a series of recommendations aout how to improve out film work. These included:

  • Paying close attention to editing concepts, such as matching on action, in the planning stages

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