Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation #final

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Research, planning, production and evaluation where all stages in which many types of technologies had to be used in order to conduct every single one of these tasks effectively. It helps to develop skills in media and this has been proved by my blog and the final part of the trailer.

This is an example of how we used macs , there resources to create parts of our poster .

Mac computers along with photoshop, imovie, played a big part in the production of our work and also led to us having developed skills in each mac and program. The macs were used as they are considered more effective when working with programs such as photoshop or imovie. Photoshop was used to create the magazine and film poster whereas the imovie program was used to create the trailer in itself. Powerpoint was used for the presentation part of our work.
Research and planning had everyone using the computers for as much as possible. We were blogging daily which meant using the computers. The computers also had to be used in order to watch other trailers from other horror films in order to gain an idea of what we were doing.
Prezi was used for presentations. Indeed it was an effective way of presenting your work and was relatively easy to set up and conduct a presentation. Slideshare was used along with powerpoint in order to put the presentation on the blogger website.
Sony handy cams along with the video cameras were very useful for taking still images and recording as they allowed us to gain the main material for our production work and were essential in the production.

Evaluation #part3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

It was very important to consider audience feedback carefully especially before the release of a product. Without the audience feedback it would be hard to define what the good and bad points of your film publicity campaign are. Slight changes have been made due to the audience feedback.

This is a link to some of our audience feedback which shows the effectiveness of the feedback.

Having decided audience feedback was it important, the decision on how to promote it and gain audience feedback had to be made and the social networking site facebook was chosen. This is because it is relatively easy for the audience to give feedback.

Audience feedback helped us understand what we needed to do. For example they told us what we needed to develop on for instance, in this case the lighting. We did and therefore the trailer became more appealing to the audience. Furthermore we gained many people telling us it was good which led to us knowing the product would be successful.

Evaluation #part2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The products we have produced correlate with one another. This is very important as it is essential a brand identity is created in a product in order to create a specific target audience who are going to buy your product. It wasimportant that the whole campaign had a similar theme to it, interms of the font, picture and colours. Indeed they are all dominated by the antagonistwhich is the small girl.

This image shows how it correlates with our trailer because there is a clear use of the antagonist as the main theme in our poster , magazine but also trailer.

It is also dominated by eerie fonts which depict the two words ‘the abandoned’. We constantly looked at many other film publicity campaigns to suggest how we can add to ours. It was important to maintain a consistent them asit appeared to be the consistent theme in many film publicity campaigns.

The teaser trailer sets of the marketing campaign leaving people guessing and clearly wanting to find out more. Further along the marketing campaign the poster is introduced which gives people more detail on release dates and such whilst also giving the audience a feel for the theme of the film. The magazine is introduced later and gives people more information for the film therefore heightening audience anticipation.

The main colour theme used in our film publicity campaign is red black and white. These colours are generally associated with a horror theme as they are dark with contrasting light which may reflect/represent angels/demons. Red is associated with horror as it represents blood and immediately draws peoples attentions.
The same font has been used to create brand awareness for the product. In conclusion I feel the combination of my products has been effective, creating a brand awareness for my product whilst also producing a theme.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Evaluation question part 1 .

Audience feedback #

Audience feedback is particularly effective as it allows for the product to be acknowledged by the audience so that a decision can be made on its validity. Furthermore audience feedback allows for the producers to discuss on any changers that need to me made by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Shoot schedule

Shooting schedule was important in that it allowed for proper use of the camera making everything time effective.