Wednesday 3 November 2010

Horror movie mise-en-scene and how it correlates with my work

Mise-en-scene in a horror movie/trailer consists of many different aspects. For example the setting consists of abandoned buildings, dark, eerie and cold places e.g. Saw 2 uses an abandoned building as a setting. This correlates with my work because we are also applying this code and convention in our trailer by using an abandoned building.

The abandoned building emphasizes a sense of unknown and this shot of the women in Grudge 2 looking up to the building heightens the audiences anticipation. Another key code and convention in terms of mise-en-scene used by many horror trailers is the color used. They are dominated by colors of red and black. The red is a color which suggests blood and gore, and block is associated with the unknown which adds to the tension. This correlates with our work because we will also use these colors, e.g. red will be represented through the house burning.

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