Monday 4 October 2010

#At what point in the trailer are we told the name of the film, why is this?

We are shown the name of the film at the beginining and end of the sequence for a number of reasons. Firstly showing the name at the begining and end focuses the target audiences attention to the narrative/storyline during the main part of the sequence. Secondly showing the name at the begining emphasises the tension and heightens audience anticipation. Furthermore showing it at the end creates brand awarness and reminds viewers of the film and producers.

#Why are we told who is starring in the film?

We aren't. This is because in many horror movies the character is not the main asepect of the film neither is it the USP. Many films of different genres will use different actors and actresses as there unique selling point to try and persuade the audience to watch the film.

#What type of action from the film do we see?

From the film many close up shots of the creature, or whatever is haunting them to heighten audience anticipation and tension. Furthermore many action shots are taken of the victim and also close ups. These show the protaganist and atagonist in the film. This tells as what the narrative is for the story and also gives us clues and hints as a target audience so that we are enticed and want to go and watch the film.

#What clues does the music in the trailer give of what genre the film is going to be?

The dull music shows us that the film is most definately going to be a horror or thriller. These two film genres share codes and conventions especially in the music when they both include tense high pitched or very low pitched sounds. There are also many squeeking noises throughout the trailer.

How does the speed of what we see compare to watching a clip from a film? Why is this? Does the speed alter through the trailer or stay the same?

The tempo is much quicker in the trailer compared to what we would see in the movie, especially nearing the end of the sequence where the shot speeds increase dramatically. Furthermore the quick snappy shots heighten audience anticipation.

What information are we given at the very last frame of the trailer?

We are shown who produces the film and the main executives for it. This heightens audience anticipation and if the producers are well known, heightens audience anticipation along with the corporate logos at the bottom.

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